Welcome to The Bear Den

My name is Birna Mellbin, and this site is where I put my writing, be it short stories or longer works. With any luck, you will find at least some of them to be interesting, amusing, or otherwise engaging. Writing has long been a passion of mine, and the ability to share my stories with the world means a lot to me (yes, I know it sounds pretentious, but I'm being sincere here, so sue me). Now, without further ado, welcome to The Bear Den. Enjoy your stay.

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A story about lies.


And how willing people can be to believe them if you present them in the right way.

A story about people.


And how loath they are to change their minds.

A story about words.


And about how people use and regard them.

You all like fantasy, right?


Because is you don't... Too bad, I guess?

A story about spring.


Sort of. In a sense.