Frequently Asked Questions

This is where I will put up any and all frequently asked questions (unless it's stuff like "what's going to happen next in story x", which is best answered by the following chapters of said story, or stuff like "why do you suck so much", which I hope I will not be asked too often, and even if I am I'm probably the worst possible person to answer it). However, as I still haven't recieved that many questions, I have instead written up a few questions you might conceivably be wondering about. If you have a question that isn't anwered here, feel free to ask me using the contact page.

Q: What kind of stories do you upload here?

A: Whatever I get inspired to write, really. Much of what I write is either comedic works or adventure stories (or both), often with fantasy elements. However, I do dabble in pretty much anything that catches my attention, so there's a pretty eclectic mix on here.

Q: How long have you been writing?

A: Since I first got reliable access to a computer (that is to say, a long, long time). I wrote a little before then, but I'm embarrassingly terrible at writing by hand, so I never wrote much. Don't expect to see any of my early stuff on the site, though. It is that special kind of terrible that only an inexperienced child/teenage writer can create, and I wouldn't wish it on any of you.

Q: Why are there ads on this site?

A: Well, I have to make money somehow. Since I want to make sure anyone can read these stories for free, ads are basically the only workable way to get paid for my work.

Q: What are your thoughts on ad blocking software?

A: I understand why many people like to use ad blockers. There are plenty of disruptive or even harmful ads on the internet. That being said, I am doing my best to make sure the ads on this site are as harmless and unobtrusive as possible, so if you are running an ad blocker, I ask that you at least consider disabling it on

Q: But I hate ads/really like my ad blocker, is there some way I can support the site without turning my ad blocker off?

A: Yes, actually. You can go to the "Support the Site" page for more information.

Q: I found a spelling error and it's driving me nuts! What should I do about it?

A: Send me a line using the contact page. Spelling errors drive me nuts too, so I'll be more than happy to correct it.

Q: The reader page isn't working properly! What do I do?

A: If the reader options and chapter select menu aren't working correctly, please make sure your browser settings allow you to run Javascript. If it isn't saving your reader settings, please make sure your browser settings allow cookies to be placed on your computer. If you have a different problem, or if the above solutions don't work, please tell me via the contact page. Make sure you include what your problem is and what browser and operating system you're using.